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Meet Your Editors:

Historians for the Classics Society and Editors-in-Chief of the Monthly Muse

Katie Mears is a junior here at Colgate University, studying Classical Studies and Art History. She is in a love affair (however tumultuous) with Ancient Greek, and occasionally flirts with Latin. Mears’ favorite classical poem is Catullus 85 (which is way better than Catullus 101). She has also taken up a semi-permanent residence in Lawrence’s Keck Center, where she spends her time avoiding doing work, printing one-sided copies, and bothering all the classics professors. Along with being Historian of the Classics Society, Mears is also Vice President of Colgate's Poetically Minded, a Community Leader on Broad St., and host of Late Night Stand-Up on Colgate’s WRCU. She looks forward to bonding, learning and growing alongside her peers this summer on the extended study to Greece with Professor Ammerman.


Aliya Williams, Class of 2016, is a Classics major and Peace and Conflict Studies minor at Colgate University. She traveled with the Classics Department to Greece in the summer of 2013 and again this past summer to Rome. After a wonderful 7-year relationship with the majestic Latin language (beginning all the way back in middle school), Williams broke things off and picked up Ancient Greek, which has been going on for a solid 2 years. However, she prefers Latin poetry over Greek as her favorite classical poem is Catullus 101 (which is way better than Catullus 85).  A true nerd, Williams loves historical dramas set in Rome and has recently become a fan of Plebs, a British comedy following the comedic daily adventures of two plebeians and a slave. Along with being a Historian of the Classics Society, Williams can be found in Little either lounging on the couches as a Monitor for the Video Editing rooms or in the projection booth of Golden Auditorium.

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